Promise ended September 2018. Thank you for participating!
Wisconsin Promise was a project for 2000 participating Wisconsin families with 14 to 16 year old teens who receive Supplemental Social Security Income (SSI). The goal was to support teens receiving SSI and their families in achieving their education and career goals.
Share Your Promise Photos or Stories: #PromiseWIStories
Enrollment for Wisconsin Promise is over, but people with disabilities can apply for services like these through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Please visit them to get started on the path to success today!
Find out more about Promise | Materials to Share!
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Before Age 18 Website
A website for teens and families to consider the choices, explore the possibilities, and take action now to prepare for age 18!
Visit the Before Age 18 Website

Promising Practices Website
A website for professionals working to improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities.
Visit the Promising Practices Website